Politico.ie database on national representatives

Malachy Browne of Politico.ie has developed a useful and welcome database of national representatives. It contains details/profiles for all TDs, senators and MEPs and takes updates from KildareStreet.com, Google News, the Magill and Village archive, and the individuals’ Facebook and Twitter pages.

Excellent stuff. Only thing I’d question is naming the salary and expenses section ‘The Gravy Train’. But who am I to question cynicism… Very nice work, Mister Browne.

3 thoughts on “Politico.ie database on national representatives”

  1. What Mark didn’t say is that he and Gavin provided the salary/expense detail. It’s a key part of the feature.

    We’ll hopefully add more … someone suggested infographics to provide expense comparisons for TDs from the same constituency – but we probably don’t have the level of detail yet to make this worthwhile. We could do something similar with electoral records. We should also add a panel showing historical links to other articles (not picked up by the Google News API which goes back only a month). And if RTE had a search API for its video/audio, that would really add. ‘Tis a start anyway.

    Cheers Mark.

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