Central Bank’s €350,000+ bill for ECB ‘retreat’ included golf buggy rental, €1,500 hurling demonstration, and €27,000 for airport VIP services

The Central Bank spent more than €350,000 hosting a five-day ‘retreat’ for a visiting delegation of senior bankers from the European Union.

The enormous spend, which covered five-star accommodation, golf buggies, presentation mints, a hurling display and VIP airport costs, included a €193,000 bill from the exclusive Mount Juliet resort in Co Kilkenny.

The ‘retreat’ for the 26-strong governing council of the European Central Bank and 22 officials and support staff was held amid tight security at the Kilkenny estate in May with a private security consultancy paid almost €23,000.

Overall, accommodation costs came to €195,000 while €117,500 was spent on official transport, including more than thirty individual bills for platinum service from Dublin Airport.

Itemised spending released following a Freedom of Information request shows that €1,400 was spent on Parker branded pens while €276 was spent on boxes of promotional mint sweets.

There was an outlay of just over €5,700 on green A4 folio notebooks from a handmade leather company, €120 for embossed bookmarks, and €200 spent on “logo plates” for use during the event.

Over half of the bill came from the Mount Juliet Estate where charges included €1,480 for buggy and golf buggy hire, €1,500 for a “hurling demonstration”, and €1,800 for a traditional band.