Department of Finance releases details of €10 million worth of spending on Apple tax case

More than €10 million was spent by the state in the case where they fought not to accept €13 billion in back tax from Apple.

The payments cover a period of almost twelve years with nearly a third of the money, some €3.5 million in total, paid to the legal firm William Fry.

Other large sums included €757,000 to barrister Barry Doherty, €788,000 to Paul Gallagher SC, and €820,000 to KC Philip Baker.

Release of the records was delayed for several months as the Department of Finance said they had to carry out third party consultations.

In late November, Right to Know had to seek internal review as a decision had still not issued.

The department release the records on January 23 saying they felt the public interest outweighed the argument that details of the expenditure was personal information.