What did we buy when we got Anglo?

I have previously blogged about the various subsidiary companies that Anglo Irish Bank involved themselves with, I am going to return to this issue in light of the impending largest loss in Irish history. The Government have yet to publish any details about how Anglo is structured, or just how many companies are under its umbrella. Today we will start a process of trying to uncover the entire structure of the body.

Firstly, Anglo Irish Bank has 39 subsidiaries (mostly wholly owned, some part owned and some appear no longer owned), as follows:

Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Limited.
Stephen Court, 18/21 St Stephen’s Green
Dublin 2

Ultimate owner: Brian Lenihan, Minister of Finance (Definition of ultimate owner: path of min 25.01% of control, known shareholders):


1. Anglo Irish Bank Corporation PLC
2. Anglo Irish Capital Funding Limited (Cayman Islands)
3. Anglo Irish Capital UK (2) LP
4. Anglo Irish Capital UK (3) LP
5. Anglo Irish Capital UK LP
6. Anglo Irish Covered Bonds LLP
7. Proodos Funding Limited
8. Anglo Irish Asset Finance PLC
9. Anglo Irish Property Lending Limited
10. Steenwal B.V. (Netherlands)
11. Anglo Irish Mortgage Bank
12. Anglo Irish Bank ESOP Limited
13. Anglo Irish Bank Limited
14. Anglo Irish Capital Partners Limited
15. Anglo Irish Corporate Bank Limited
16. Anglo Irish Equity Limited
17. Anglo Irish Financial Services Limited
18. Anglo Irish Funding 1 Limited
19. Anglo Irish Funding 2 Limited
20. Anglo Irish Funding 3 Limited
21. Anglo Irish Funding 4 Limited
22. Anglo Irish Funding 5 Limited
23. Anglo Irish Funding 6 Limited
24. Anglo Irish International Finance
25. Anglo Irish International Financial Services Limited
26. Aragone Limited
27. Buyway Group Limited
28. C.D.B Investments Limited
29. CDB (UK) Limited
30. Fitzwilliam Leasing Limited
31. Modify 5 Limited
32. Sparta Financial Services Limited
33. Tincorra Investments Limited
34. Anglo Irish Assurance Co Limited
35. Anglo Aggmore Limited
36. Pagnol Limited
37. The Anglo Aggmore Limited
38. Aggmore Europe I SA
39. Oak Acquisitions Limited

5 thoughts on “What did we buy when we got Anglo?”

  1. Hi Gavin,
    Great work again. Have you ever been able to get holder of a share holder register pre nationalisation?

  2. “What did we buy when we got Anglo?” I know it’s the same question but with a different answer and I don’t mean to be facetious but have you ever attempted an answer to that question – what did we get when we got Anglo? I’d guess we avoided paying out on the guarantee and I guess we kept a lid on interest rates for other Irish banks and possibly sovereign debt and did we stop a systemic destruction of all Irish banking? What was that worth – €billions I’d guess but how will it stack up when we add the €4bn last year to €6bn+ this year and what next year and the NAMA LEV premium on Anglo loans – is it worth it?

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