I’ve taken all 137k (€1.9bn) of CAP payments from 2009 and placed them into a pivot table. (Data thanks to farmsubsidy.org) Here are the stats:
I’ve added in both county population counts and county size by square kilometre. Here is a graphic of county distribution:
Would anyone like to run analyses of per head distribution, or maybe per sq kilometre distribution?
Update: Reader Anne has come back with the requested analysis! Cheers Anne!
I’ve taken your data and added the number of farmers in each county according to the 2006 census. From that the average payment on a per county basis can be quickly calculated. I plotted the result on a map which I’ve posted on my blog – if you want a higher-res PDF just let me know. The map is here: http://www.geographic.ie/maps/cap-payments-per-farmer/