Watch out Mr Tubridy

… Michael Lowry is after your job. For the last few weeks the Tipp TD has been running a competition (constituents-only!) for Oxegen tickets. Of course, his only motivation for doing so is because he “understands and appreciates the importance of music festivals, particularly to young people”. Did I say ‘constituents-only’ already?

He has now put the prize draw on Youtube… see below.

The last five seconds are golden.

Someone smells a general election. Someone smells a tribunal report. Someone wants to come up smelling of roses.

Seanad salary and expenses 2005 to 2008

Following on from the publication of spreadsheets containing the salaries and expenses of TDs for the 2005, 2006, 2007 to 2008, we have now put together the same for the Seanad. For the period 2005 to 2008, the Oireachtas paid out €27,177,074.19 to Senators in salaries and expenses. Here are the top 20:

Paddy Burke € 642,281.37 (Leas Chathaoirleach 2002 to present)
Pat Moylan € 545,678.73 (Cathaoirleach 2007 to present)
Terry Leyden € 523,282.73 (Address listed as Leinster House, from Roscommon)
Geraldine Feeney € 504,558.08 (Sligo)
Camillus Glynn € 502,320.99 (Westmeath)
Maurice Cummins € 501,932.80 (Waterford)
Peter Callanan € 499,885.39 (Deceased, Cork)
Michael McCarthy € 498,351.77 (Cork)
Jim Walsh € 495,986.50 (Wexford)
Paul Bradford € 494,638.65 (Cork)
Francis O’Brien € 481,749.97 (Monaghan)
Rory Kiely € 478,552.18 (Cathaoirleach of the Seanad 2002 to 2007)
Labhras O Murchu € 478,009.16 (Tipperary)
Kieran Phelan € 474,963.74 (Deceased, Laois)
Diarmuid Wilson € 473,503.87 (Cavan)
Marc MacSharry € 472,206.44 (Sligo)
John Hanafin € 469,543.68 (Tipperary)
John Paul Phelan € 442,869.87 (Kilkenny)
Joe O’Toole € 433,713.64 (Dublin)
Ann Ormonde € 427,125.03 (Dublin)

The bottom 20 were:

Dan Boyle € 167,345.79
Pearse Doherty € 165,081.70
Larry Butler € 163,652.26
Mark Daly € 160,073.02
Frances Fitzgerald € 158,008.48
Alan Kelly € 157,395.10
Dominic Hannigan € 155,628.24
Lisa McDonald € 153,411.96
Ciaran Cannon € 143,535.51
Martin Brady € 142,440.28
Paul CoghIan € 136,794.64
Paschal Donohoe € 134,109.64
Eoghan Harris € 130,529.61
Maria Corrigan € 129,868.17
Deirdre De Burca € 125,795.49
Ivana Bacik € 125,338.78
Ronan Mullen € 125,278.90
Alex White € 125,107.31
Eugene Regan € 125,053.96
Fiona O Malley € 123,798.70

Full pivot table here: Senator totals 2005 to 2008

Again it is worth noting that the period 2005 to 2008 includes an election in 2007, so not all Senators would have been in their seats for the entire period. It is also again worth noting that the Cathlaoirleach and Leas Chathlaoirleach earn higher amounts due to their positions (allowances received due to position). And again we must emphasise: these amounts only cover salary and expenses, they do not cover costs incurred by Members, for such things as inter-parliamentary association travel.

Here are the total spreadsheets broken down by year:

Senate 2005 (xls)

Senate 2006 (xls)

Senate 2007 (xls)

Senate 2008 (xls)

Deaths in Garda custody

Another person died in Garda custody yesterday. These stories are consistently let slide.

Below is a list of known deaths in custody since 1997 compiled over a few hours. I don’t think it to be absolute, though I cannot find reports of others after quite some time searching. Most have source links though some were found using Lexis Nexis. I found reports about 36 deaths. There has been two or three deaths each year on average, yet already this year four people have died in the care of the Gardai.

Notably all those who died were males. A disproportionate number seem to have died in one of three Dublin stations, Kilmainham, Tallaght or Store Street. This perhaps could be attributed to the size of these districts.

List below the fold. Split per year.

Continue reading “Deaths in Garda custody”

It's too easy to blame just one organisation

There’s an strong comment piece by Frank Callanan in the latest edition of Village in which a number of points worth discussing and challenging are presented. Headlined ‘Fianna Fáil in government has changed us all’, the opening paragraphs neatly summarise the main thrust of the article. Strangely I agree with a lot of the reasoning he employs but not the conclusion drawn.

The opening two pars…

One of the least-considered characteristics of Irish politics is that which has most defined it: the ascendancy of Fianna Fáil. This asserted itself between 1932 and 1973, broken only twice, gave way to a pattern of alterence (rotation) over the quarter-century 1973-1997 and then seemed to re-establish itself in the general elections of 1997, 2002 and 2007. It was as if the electorate had acquired, and then lost, the knack of of turning Fianna Fáil out.

There is a remarkable derth of analysis of, and reflection on what might be called the macro-pyschological effects of the decades of three consecutive Fianna Fáil election victories on civic society including the media, opposition and civil service. These were considerable, even devastating.

I disagree with the Fianna Fáil focus. Yet it’s pretty tricky to compose a rebuttal the following which he uses to support the above…

My point is that there was and continues to be a striking lack of self-awareness, of reflexive consciousness, of the peculiar state of living Ireland over the Ahern decade and not being Fianna Fáil or Progressive Democrat. This also had a marked effect on the media which had to negotiate this strange psychological state. Some commentators, without necessarily having thought too much about it, came to regard Fianna Fáil ascendancy over opposition parties in brutalistically Darwinian terms.

The country had seemed to lose the most modest and most under-rated virtue of democracy, the habit of alterance [his emphasis]. The phenomenon was cumulative. Without changes of Government, the sense of the necessity of politics atrophied. The electorate was habituated to Fianna Fáil governance, and – somewhat unfairly, certainly by the 2007 election – the lack of governmental experience became a reproach against Fine Gael and Labour.

Certainly periodic changes of government are healthy for democracy, however, in our case I’d be more inclined to place the blame for the lack of alterence at multiple doors than solely at Fianna Fáil’s. Continue reading “It's too easy to blame just one organisation”

Digest – June 6 2010

Digest coming to you earlier than usual this week as I am less hungover than most Sundays.


Gerard O’Neill; looting for democracy.

One of my favourite writers, Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic, has been blogging about the ‘no dogs, no blacks, no Irish’ stuff this week. He has collected some fascinating imagery. More here and here. Do av’a read, the comments are usually good too.

Irish imagery coates

Liam Fay in The Sunday Times on Callely and the Seanad.

Not since Liam Lawlor was appointed chairman of a parliamentary ethics committee has a juxtaposition of words sounded quite so comical.

The notion that Callely has “duties” in the sense that he provides a service or function is absurd. As one of the taoiseach’s appointees, he’s a professional placeman, a chair warmer. Unelected and therefore unaccountable, he represents nobody but himself and has nothing to offer but his trademark self-importance.

Having been slung out of his Dail seat in 2007, Callely sought election to one of the rigged Seanad seats reserved for failed or aspiring politicians and for which only TDs, councillors and outgoing senators are permitted to vote. However, he couldn’t win sufficient support among his Fianna Fail colleagues.

Undeterred by the verdict of the electorate and his party, Callely probably went cap in hand to then taoiseach Bertie Ahern pleading that he had devoted his working life to Fianna Fail and had failed to receive an adequate yield on his investment. An understandably sympathetic Ahern anointed Callely as senator and the rest is geography.

Come Here to Me! with another lovely post on Dublin history that may have passed you by… or that you may pass by. This time on the man to whom a little plaque on O’Connell Street is dedicated.

WORLD Continue reading “Digest – June 6 2010”

Expenses visualisation and spreadsheets

CORRECTION: One of the headings was incorrect. It is travel and subsistence not mobile phones that the most money was spent on. Somehow the headings got shifted across in the totals column. Apologies.

I’ve been messing with Gav’s spreadsheets. Here’s two one quick visualisationish (try saying that one out loud, radio students) thingy. This is TDs only, expenses claimed between 2005 and 2008.

Per category.

The Dáil posse spend a lot on phones, it appears. Wonder if they’ve started billing State for the bills on those unofficial Blackberrys certain TDs have started using. Texts sent or data downloaded from those would not be FOIable, remember. Nice way of circumventing FOI law, that.

Next time you see a Government minister with a second phone, you’ll know the score.

Oh, I’ve got an average figure a TD spent in each category per year. So you can how sort the data per heading and if your TD is above the bolded figure (the average amount spent per year per TD in that category) in any of the few years… well, it may interest you. Please download or copy the file before sorting the data for your own purposes. Each time you sort it, it gets resorted for everyone.

Note: I used the figure of 200 as the number of people who sat in the Dáil on average per year. The election meant one year there were 220 claimants, all the other years there were around 166. 200 is probably too high an average figure but I was feeling generous.

Sheet 2 at this link.

Move sheets by clicking the names across the bottom of the file. Download by clicking File > Download. If you use Gmail, click File > Copy.

Have a good long weekend.

Pyrite and housing via the M3 motorway

In case you missed it. Top regional story in The Irish Times…

The M3 motorway which cost an estimated €1 billion will be officially opened today.

The 61km motorway linking the Dublin/Meath border with the Meath/Cavan border is believed to be the largest single road project to be constructed in Ireland and incorporates bypasses of Dunshaughlin, Navan and Kells.

In addition to the motorway itself, the overall project involves a network of 49km of ancillary public roads and 34km of farm access roads.

And a separate smaller story down the page

THE CHIEF executive of the National Roads Authority has written to a TD to inform him that pyrite was used in the construction of the M3 motorway in Co Meath.

In his letter to Fine Gael TD Shane McEntee, roads authority chief executive Fred Barry said that “as far as we are aware,” the pyrite was used as filling for embankments.

And the last line of an RTE report on an April 6 meeting of the Oireachtas Committee on Transport

Mr McEntee had asked the National Roads Authority if pyrite had been used in the construction of the M3 motorway and was told there was no evidence that it had.

A more complete Irish Times report on the same meeting

Mr Barry told Meath TD Shane McEntee there was no need for an independent audit of the M3 or the section of N3 from the West-link toll to Clonee.

Speaking at the Oireachtas Committee on Transport today Mr Barry said infill material for support structures such as cement pillars and steel bars was rigorously monitored and could be traced. The NRA was happy no material from the two quarries identified had been used in connection with either steel or cement.

He said the material from the quarries could only have been used in relation to embankments. In this regard, pyrite – if it had been present at all – was not boxed in by foundations as it would be in a house. There would be minimal impact if the material “shifted, heaved, or expanded” as it might in foundations.

And finally, a quote from the letter which was received by Deputy McEntee from the head of the NRA this week…

“In so far as we are aware the use of pyrite-bearing rock for the construction of the M3 was primarily as embankment fill, with some use as roads base”.

“As far as we’re aware…” qualifying statements are often dangerous.

In reality, however – though Deputy McEntee’s enquiries are welcome – the likelihood of pyrite causing serious damage to a road is fairly small. Pyrite expands when it comes in contact with water, in the enclosed foundations of a dwelling structure that’s a serious issue, in the open base of a road there is space for it to expand, hence the ‘no-biggy’ reaction. Still, while this news story gets a ‘meh’ it does give me a tangetal jump-off point to address another point. Sorry for the delay in getting it to!

Pyrite in gaffs.

Serious problem, which goes beyond one or two developers. The expanding mineral in the foundations can leave massive cracks in the walls of apartment blocks and housing developments. I ain’t talking hair-line either, I’m talking visible-from-a-distance type stuff. There’s one development along the Dart line where they’ve had to close the adjacent playground because the crack along the ground means it’s too dangerous for kids to play.

A friend of mine works for a company which repairs buildings which have been effected by pyrite. He showed me photos of one block he was working on where the walls had bowed outward by about 25 degrees… crazy-looking. I’ll try to get them from him to post here later so you can have a goo. They had to knock down all the internal non-structural walls on the ground floor, dig up 8 feet of foundation inside, remove all that material, replace it with better stuff and allow it to settle – and do similar on the outside – before residents could return. Imagine me sucking air through my front teeth before I say this… “that’s a serious job”. Serious jobs cost serious money.

Oh… by the way, Nama.

Lastly, a further tangental footnote: For the last few months there were three big sites in Dublin which many said were the only things keeping what’s left of the construction industry in the capital afloat. The Aviva Stadium, the new terminal at Dublin Airport and the new Mater Hospital building. The Aviva Stadium site closed last month and the terminal is finished in the next six weeks, I hear. Thankfully, at least for some of those in the construction sector, the Mater isn’t due for a while yet. 14,000 people or so in all between the three sites. A lot expect it to be their last contract in a while.

We’ve turned a corner lads!

Hugh Green on Gaza, Israel, Flotilla…

Gav is in New York for a few days (he’s gone all Sex and the City, want some new malonos? Email him.) and I’m snowed under with work, so I suspect it will be quiet around these parts until Sunday. In the mean-time, you should read this brilliant piece of commentary by Hugh Green. I could quote the whole thing but…

Now, consider the Irish Times editorial from the other day. Its title is ‘Self-inflicted wounds’. But the wounds referred to in the title are not those inflicted on the bodies of the flotilla passengers by Israeli guns.

Rather, the editorial is speaking about the State of Israel as though it had the properties of a human body, and as though its murderous actions were primarily harmful, not on account of the lives wiped out by its elite commandos (to say nothing of what the Israeli state is inflicting on the Palestinians in Gaza), but on account of the damage done to the State itself.

This is just one example among countless of how, within the discourse of the nation-state, priority is given to the protection of the state over the protection of human beings. If the destruction of the human beings is wrong in this case, it is implied, it is because it runs counter to the interests of the state.

Perhaps the best case that can be made by this line of reasoning, is that since the state is supposed to represent the interests of its citizens, any action that presents difficulties for the state runs counter to the best interests of its citizens.

But there is no reason why the interests of a state should automatically coincide with the interests of its citizens. Furthermore, the interests of the citizens so defined are incommensurable with the interests of the human beings who fall under the category of citizen; and no account is given of what happens to those human beings who are not its citizens.

I really can’t do it justice with a quote. Go read it all. It’s the type of thing blogs were made to hold.

TD expenses 2005 to 2008

We were pleased to see the announcement from the Oireachtas that from yesterday, expense claims of the Members will be published on a monthly basis. It’s a step in the right direction, and important for greater public scrutiny of the administration of the State.

Unfortunately the information is published in PDFs and contain little contextual information. Open formats and more data would have been better.

For our own part, we have been seeking for the past eight months all historical data on the expense claims of Members, from 1998 to 2009. We have made some progress. In tandem with the Oireachtas releasing its figures, we are provisionally publishing the spreadsheets of all expenses and salaries for members for the period 2005 to 2008. It is however important to point out that expenses do not cover the full cost of Members to the public purse – travel costs for example are largely paid by the Oireachtas itself and are not part of the expenses regime. We believe these costs should also be published, and probably combined with expense claims, so we have a full picture. (These figures exclude Ministerial salaries and expenses)

Some figures:

From 2005 to 2008, €97,637,195.65 was paid out to TDs in salaries and expenses.

The top 30 for the period are (a proviso: the Ceann Comhairle and his deputy receive Ministerial-like salaries, and heads of Committees receive greater amounts)

Rory O’Hanlon € 789,543.77
Michael Moynihan € 726,873.65
Bernard Allen € 725,636.56
Noel O’Flynn € 723,782.51
Sean Fleming € 722,561.57
Johnny Brady € 720,676.88
Jackie Healy-Rae € 719,350.52
Dan Neville € 712,660.55
Brendan Howlin € 709,654.03
John Cregan € 704,570.69
Padraic McCormack € 699,120.51
Ned O’Keeffe € 695,606.45
Dinny McGinley € 692,391.64
Seymour Crawford € 692,011.42
John Perry € 691,415.49
Michael Lowry € 690,947.20
Tom Hayes € 690,436.23
Peter Kelly € 684,358.22
Paul Kehoe € 680,046.39
Michael Ring € 679,042.87
Enda Kenny € 676,745.95
John O’Donoghue € 675,828.78
Phil Hogan € 672,263.48
Niall Blaney € 671,759.13
Pat Breen € 669,201.01
Jim O’Keeffe € 668,538.10
Michael Finneran € 665,965.04
John Moloney € 663,295.21
Beverley Flynn € 661,031.29
John Deasy € 659,961.01

Here is a full breakdown by member

Below is the full representation by year, including committee membership and all other expense headings. Some curious figures arise. For example:

In 2007 the biggest overall recipient of salary plus expenses was Deputy Michael Lowry. He received €194,643.02 and did not head any committees. This was the highest of any Member in the Dail, including the Ceann Comhairle (John O’Donoghue at the time) who received a Ministerial style salary (earning €189,120.56, or about €5,000 less than Mr Lowry). The main reason I can see as to why Mr Lowry stands out is his travel expenses: €70,169.08 in one year, the highest of any member, and a good €15,000 more than the next highest recipient (Michael Ring).

I am sure there are lots of other curious stats in the spreadsheets, have a look. You might see slight misspelling of names (thanks to OCR processes), but all of the figures have been triple checked against records released under the FOI Act.

2008 TD (xls)

2007 TD (xls)

2006 TD (xls)

2005 TD (xls)

I will shortly publish the same set of figures for the Seanad.